Ammonium Sulphate (Amsul)

Ammonium Sulphate (Amsul or SOA) is an economical source of nitrogen for fertilizer use, on top of the 21% nitrogen content, it has 24% sulphur, and at a relatively lower price, a good bargain. Besides expensive synthetic Amsul, most products available in the market are all sort of by-product of different chemical processes, including caprolactam making and desulfurization using ammonia gas. China now has the biggest capacity of Amsul production thanks to its ever-increasing caprolactam capacity.

Product of China



Both are ammonium sulphate, why are they so different?

ANSWER: because they made from different chemical process (left: capro ; right: MMA)

Different Grades

> Caprolactam Grade – Best
> Steel Grade
> Chemical Grade
> MMA Grade
> Waste-treatment Grade – Worst


> Bulk
> 50kg bag
> 1 ton Jumbo bag
> Bulk in container


Certificate of Analysis
Producer MSDS

Sizes, Shapes and Colors

The physical appearance is all affected by the production process, raw material and the time it takes for crystallization. In general, the bigger the crystal size and closer to pure white color , the higher the product value. 

Granular: Crystalline vs Compaction

Crystal granular is filter from standard grade Amsul, while compaction is made from compacting fine powdery Amsul

Ammonium Sulphate from Major Producers

Tianchen Capro

Fujian Eversun

Shandong Haili

Risun Chemical


Shandong Luxi

Fibrant (DSM)

Sinopec Baling

Sinopec Hengyi

Henan Shenma

Shanxi Lubao

Juhua Chemical

Shanxi Lanhua



Fujian SCC